Tuesday, August 17, 2010

one word - NUA!

PHEW, I'm finally having some time all to myself. Maybe not some time, more like one full day. Surprisingly... Unless I decide to pick up my phone and text some friends for dinner later, I should be home the whole day. The original plan was to go JB for A&W today but somehow it got cancelled and the real reason??? Erm...I DUNNO! I was just too tired to ask for the reason and here I am, HOME SWEET HOME. It's not that bad after all.

I always thought I'm one busy girl. But the truth is there are many others out there who are much busier than me. They head out of house early in the morning for something and come home late after another thing. There are many activities going on for them in a day and I really think I would crumble if I'm them. Therefore, I vouch never to be like that. 'Learn to say no', that's what my senior tells me and I believe this phrase is super important when you step into Uni and worst, into hall life. If you don't know how to mouth that phrase out, there you have it, a whole new BUSY life. Dedicated to other people and not yourself. HOW SAD!

Coming to think of it, I guess I have already taken on a new perspective about life and relationships. Especially after what I heard from my senior ytd. I realised dramas do happen in life, not once but twice. Maybe thrice, to some people out there in the world. Relationships are vulnerable as it is and it's not strengthened by time. I always thought so but I was wrong. I guess what matters is you are happy together and not bounded to be with each other because it's a HABIT. Well well well, good luck to all couples out there. :)


At 12:52 AM , Blogger michelle said...



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